Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x

CFU: 6



Preliminary Courses


Learning Goals 

The course aims at providing the basic methodologies and techniques to understand and address issues related to Artificial Intelligence.

Students will acquire the theoretical background related to intelligent agents, their interaction, problem-solving, search strategies and adversarial search. They will learn the methods and techniques in the domain of game theory, which include optimal, imperfect real-time decisions, games with random elements, and state-of-the-art of game programs.

Students will acquire the basics of first-order logic, inference, and deduction, as wells as they will master methods and techniques of logic programming with ProLog. They will be able to model uncertain knowledge and reasoning in order to act in uncertainty. Finally, the course will introduce basic concepts behind probabilistic reasoning and machine learning.

Expected Learning Outcomes 

Knowledge and understanding

The course aims to provide students with the knowledge needed to understand and analyze problem solutions based on Artificial Intelligence techniques.

Tools to master both the theory and the methodologies for problem solving will be provided; in particular, search strategies, adversarial search and logic programming will be considered. Basic concepts behind probabilistic reasoning and machine learning will be also introduced.

Applying knowledge and understanding

The course focuses on conveying the skills and methodological, as well as operational tools, which are the bases to apply Artificial Intelligence knowledge. Lessons promote the ability to apply the acquired methodological tools to implement solutions based on Artificial Intelligence techniques. The proposed techniques and models will be applied to specialized domains.

Course Content - Syllabus

Part I: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent Agents: Agents and environments, the concept of rationality, the nature of environments, the structure of agents


Part II: Problem Solving

Solving problems with search: Problem solving agents, Example problems, Looking for solutions, Uninformed search strategies, Breadth search, Uniform cost search, Depth search, Limited depth search

Iterative in-depth search, Two-way search, Comparison of uninformed search strategies, Avoiding repetition in states, Searching with partial information.

Informed search: Informed search strategies or heuristics, Best-first greedy or "greedy" search, A* search, Heuristic search with limited memory, Local search algorithms and optimization problems, Hill-climbing search, Simulated annealing, Local-beam search, Genetic algorithms.

Searching with opponents: Games, Optimal decisions in games, The minimax algorithm, Alpha-beta pruning, Imperfect real-time decisions, Games that include random elements, The state of the art in game programs.


Part III: Knowledge and Reasoning

Logical agents: Knowledge-based agents, The world of wumpus, Logic, Propositional calculus, Patterns of reasoning in propositional calculus, Forward and backward concatenation.

First-order logic: Syntax and semantics of first-order logic, Using first-order logic.

Inference in first-order logic: Propositional inference and first-order inference, Unification

Forward Concatenation, Backward Concatenation, Logic Programming, Prolog, Lists in Prolog, Extra-logic Operators: not, cut, fail


Part IV: Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning

Uncertainty: Acting under uncertainty, Basic notation of probability theory, Inference based on complete joint distributions, Independence, Bayes' rule and its use.

Probabilistic reasoning: Representation of knowledge in an uncertain domain, Semantics of Bayesian networks

Efficient representation of conditional distributions.


Part V: Learning

Learning from observations: Forms of learning, Inductive learning, Learning decision trees.

Neural Networks: Definition of Neural Network, Training and Learning, Training Modes, Learning Laws

The perceptron of Rosenblatt, The multilevel perceptron, The theorem of Kolmogorov, Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) Network, Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps (SOM), Kernel Machines, Support Vector Machines (SVM).


Recommended textbooks:

    S.J.Russell, P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Global Edition, Third Edition, Pearson Education.

Other materials:

   Materials produced and provided by the Teacher

Teaching Methods

The teaching is carried out with lectures (70% of total hours) and laboratory exercises (30% of total hours).

Examination/Evaluation criteria

Exam type

Written and oral and also a project discussion. Questions of the written exam refer to open answers. The project will be proposed in the middle of the course.

Evaluation pattern

The examination aims at verifying the achievement of the formative objectives expected for the teaching activities. It includes a written test and an oral discussion focused on the topics of the course.

CFU: 9


Basic language programming skills; fundamental algorithms for basic data structures.

Preliminary Courses


Learning Goals 

This course provides the methodological tools for the analysis and synthesis of basic machines for processing information (combinational and sequential logic networks). Students will learn to design fundamental machines. They will study the fundamentals of von Neumann architectures, the repertoire of operational codes and programming techniques in assembly language.

Expected Learning Outcomes 

Knowledge and understanding

The student must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the problems related to the design of elementary machines with particular reference to basic machines for arithmetic applications and to more complex sequential machines (registers, counters, flip flops). He/she must also demonstrate knowledge of computer architectures and related subsystems, including processor main operations, memory communication methods, memory design and connection to various input and output devices.

Applying knowledge and understanding

The student must demonstrate to be able to design and develop elementary combinatorial networks, arithmetic combinatorial networks, sequential remainders. He/she must also be able to develop simple assembler programs for the management of elementary data structures (vectors, stacks,…).

Course Content - Syllabus


Analysis and synthesis of combinatorial networks. Minimization of fully or incompletely specified Boolean functions. Karnaugh maps. Quine-McCluskey method. Synthesis of combinatorial networks in NAND and NOR logic. Delays and hazards in combinatorial networks. Elementary combinatorial networks. Multiplexer and de-multiplexer. Encoder and decoder. Parity Checkers. Elementary arithmetic machines: adders, subtractors, comparators.

Analysis and synthesis of sequential networks. Models for the timing and structure of synchronous and asynchronous sequential networks. Flip-flop: general information, RS flip-flop with NOR gates. Flip-flop latch and edge-triggered. Flip-flop D. Switch flip-flop. Flip-flops T and JK. Registers. Serial and parallel registers. Shift registers.

Design methodology of synchronous networks. Synchronous and asynchronous counters. Sequence recognizers. Bus and transfers between registers.

The Processor: subsystems and architecture. The processor core components.  Processor algorithm. The role of the control unit. Accumulator processors and general register processors. Addressing techniques. Coding of instructions.

The central memory. Processor-memory interface. Organization of the memory system. Connecting memory modules. Static and dynamic RAM memories. Interconnection and bus systems. Mechanism of interruptions. Processor protections and controls. I / O management through polling and interruptions. The I / O subsystem.

Machine language and assembler language. Correspondence between high-level languages and machine language. Motorola 68000 processor assembly language. Assembly guidelines. Memory allocation of programs.

MC68000 processor simulator. Assembly and execution of assembler language programs. Assembler language subroutines. Techniques for passing parameters to procedures in machine language.



    Conte, Mazzeo, Mazzocca, Prinetto. Architettura dei calcolatori. Edizioni CittàStudi.

    Bolchini, C. Brandolese, F. Salice, D. Sciuto, Reti logiche, Apogeo Ed., 2008.

    B. Fadini, N. Mazzocca. Reti logiche: complementi ed esercizi. Liguori Editore, 1995.

Lecture notes and presentations provided by the teacher relating to theoretical and applicative topics.

Teaching Methods

The course includes about 70% of lectures in which theoretical topics are addressed, while the remaining 30% is reserved for practical lessons and exercises concerning the design and development of combinatorial and sequential machines; synchronous machines; and development of assembly programs.

Examination/Evaluation criteria

Exam type

The learning assessment includes first a written test with exercises on machine design and on assembly programs and then an oral discussion aimed at verifying the understanding of the theoretical concepts of the course.


CFU: 9


Basic knowledge of analysis of continuous-time and discrete-time linear dynamical systems. Use of Laplace, Zeta, and Fourier transforms. Software tools for analysis and simulation of dynamical systems.

Preliminary Courses

Metodi matematici per l’ingegneria, Teoria dei sistemi. 

Learning Goals 

The course aims to introduce students to the design of feedback control laws for dynamical systems and illustrate their possible applications. In particular, the main methodologies for the synthesis of linear control systems, both analog and digital, are explored. At the completion of the course the student will be able to design linear controllers, also with the help of software tools for the analysis, design, and simulation of control systems.

Expected Learning Outcomes 

Knowledge and understanding

The course provides the methodological tools to understand the fundamental principles of automatic control and the effects of feedback on the dynamic characteristics of linear or linearized systems. The main methodologies of feedback control design will be introduced, both for analog and digital control, in the time domain and in the transformed domains. This knowledge will allow students to understand the main problems related to the use of different synthesis methods, depending on the requirements and characteristics of the processes to be controlled.

Applying knowledge and understanding

The acquired knowledge will enable students to formalize the specifications of a control system in the time domain and in the transformed domains. Based on these specifications and on the characteristics of the process to be controlled, students will be able to make design choices, and to design the control law using different synthesis methods. Matlab/Simulink software will be used to support controller synthesis and for performance verification.

Course Content - Syllabus


  • Fundamental properties of feedback control systems: specifications of a control system in the time domain.
  • Reachability and controllability in continuous time and discrete time. Control to an equilibrium state with state feedback. Output control with assignment of eigenvalues and gain.
  • Hints on analog and digital realization of a control system. Sampled data systemsd. Output feedback control with integral action and state feedback in continuous time and discrete time.
  • Observability in continuous and discrete time. State observer. Eigenvalues separation and output feedback control.
  • Analysis of output feedback control systems: steady-state accuracy and type of a system, transient response.
  • Closed-loop analysis using the root locus method. Design of control systems with root locus in continuous time and discrete time. Typical control structures. Control of unstable plants.
  • Frequency domain analysis of continuous-time systems: stability and robustness using the Nyquist criterion. Stability margins.
  • Sensitivity functions. Links between time domain response, open-loop harmonic response function and sensitivity functions.
  • Design of control systems in the frequency domain using the loop shaping method. Lead–lag compensators.
  • Design of digital controllers by discretization. Design in the discrete-time domain with the model assignment method.
  • Realization problems of digital controllers: discrete-time control algorithms, anti-aliasing filtering, choice of the sampling time.
  • PID regulators: analysis of the performance in the frequency domain and hints on experimental methods for parameters tuning.
  • Advanced control systems: Smith predictor, cascade control, mixed control schemes with feedback and feedforward.


  • Celentano, L. Celentano, Elementi di Controlli Automatici, vol. III, Edises, 2015
  • Bolzern, R. Scattolini, N. Schiavoni, Fondamenti di Controlli Automatici, McGraw-Hill, 4/ed, 2015
  • Notes and video recording of the lectures.

Teaching Methods

Teaching will be organized as follows: a) theoretical lectures for 70% of the total hours, b) classroom exercises also using MATLAB/SIMULINK software tool (, for about 30% of the total hours.

Examination/Evaluation criteria

Exam type

Written and oral. Questions of the written exam refer to numerical exercises.  


CFU: 6


The student who accesses this course has a good preparation in the fundamentals of mathematics and physics. These prerequisites are provided by the teachings given in the High School.

Preliminary Courses


Learning Goals 

Critical knowledge of the chemical and chemical-physical principles necessary to interpret the behavior and transformations of matter in relation to the main technologies and engineering problems: materials, production and accumulation of energy, pollution.

Identification and understanding of the analogies between the different processes and the interpretation of the thermodynamic and mechanistic models.

Expected Learning Outcomes 

At the end of the course the student knows the structure of the atom, the properties of the elements and their ability to form compounds, the molecular structures, the chemical reactions, the states of matter, the equilibria in solution, the acid-base properties of the molecules. The student  has the necessary skills to tackle the study of the subsequent topics of his course of study in which the knowledge of the chemical properties of matter will be fundamental.

Knowledge and understanding

The student must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the problems relating to the transformation of chemical substances, stoichiometry, reactions and equilibria that occur in aqueous systems. The student must be able to illustrate examples relating to the transformation of chemical substances and the establishment of equilibria mainly in aqueous solutions.

Applying knowledge and understanding

The student will acquire the skills to interpret the properties, stoichiometry, and transformations of chemical species. The student, on the basis of the understanding of the structure of atoms and of the different chemical entities (molecules, ionic compounds) and of the periodic properties, will be able to understand and solve problems inserted in wider contexts connected to their field of study. He will be able to analyze the effects of acid-base equilibria on simple aqueous systems and then discriminate and solve problems related to more complex systems. The theoretical treatment of many topics is followed by stoichiometric calculations that facilitate understanding and deepening of the phenomena related to real systems.

Course Content - Syllabus


From the fundamental laws of chemistry to the atomic hypothesis. Atomic weight, molecular weight and mole. Chemical formulas and percentage composition. The equation of balanced chemical reaction and stoichiometric calculations. Atomic Theory. Experiences of Thomson, Millikan and Rutherford. Bohr atom. Atomic orbitals. Evidence of wave-particle duality. The Schrödinger equation. The orbitals. Pauli and Hund's principle. Aufbau's rule. The electronic structure of atoms. The Periodic Table of the Elements. The chemical bond. The covalent bond. The valence of atoms. Molecular geometry. Polar and apolar molecules. The ionic and metallic bond. The octet rule. Lewis structural formulas; resonance and formal charge. Nomenclature of the main inorganic compounds. The hydrogen bond, Van der Waals forces ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, ion-induced dipole, induced dipole-induced dipole.

Laws of ideal gases. Dalton's law of partial pressures. The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of the velocities and kinetic energies of molecules. Real gases. Liquid state. Solid state. Crystalline and amorphous solids. Types of solids: covalent, molecular, ionic, metallic. Elements of chemical thermodynamics. I and II principle of Thermodynamics - Criterion of spontaneity of transformations. Enthalpy/temperature diagram of pure substances. The phase transitions of pure substances. The solutions. The solubility. Henry's Law. Material balances in the operations of mixing and diluting the solutions. Phase equilibria in solution. Raoult's law. Cryoscopy and ebullioscopy. Concentration of a solution: molarity, molality, mole fraction, percent by weight. Colligative properties. Chemical reactions. Thermochemistry. Chemical equilibria. The law of mass action. Chatelier's principle. Acids and Bases. Classification of acids and bases: Arrhenius theory; Lowry – Bronsted theory; Lewis theory. Definition of pH. Weak acids and bases. Calculation of pH. Electrolytic solutions. Ionization of water. Acid and basic solutions. Hydrolysis. Neutralization.


  • P. Atkins, L. Jones, PRINCIPI DI CHIMICA, Ed. Zanichelli –Bologna
  • M.S. Silbeberg, CHIMICA, Ed McGraw-Hill

Slides of the lessons available on the teacher's website.

Teaching Methods

The teacher will use: a) lectures for about 70% of the total hours, b) exercises to practically deepen theoretical aspects for about 30% of the total hours. The student will have the slides of the lectures and the teaching material provided online during the course and available on the teacher's website.

Examination/Evaluation criteria

Exam type

Exam procedure: written test for access to the oral exam. The carrying out of each question is assessed from 0 to 10 points on the basis of the following indicators: completeness and relevance. Admitted material: calculator and periodic table. Maximum score achievable with the written test: 30, minimum score to pass the exam: 18.

The outcome of the written test is binding for the purposes of accessing the oral test. The written and oral tests each contribute 50% of the final evaluation, therefore passing the written test is not sufficient to pass the exam. Average time for the written test: 120 minutes.

Evaluation pattern

The student must be able to apply the knowledge acquired in order to independently solve problems and communicate the concepts learned with an adequate and rigorous chemical language.

CFU: 6



Preliminary Courses

Analysis I and Physics.

Learning Goals 

The module provides the fundamental knowledge of Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transmission necessary to deal with engineering problems relative to energy conversion, heat exchanges and work in industrial and civil contexts as well as applications relating to air conditioning, highlighting the methodological and applications. At the end of the learning phase, the student will be able to carry out the analysis of systems and processes in which there are energy transformations and / or energy transfers.

Expected Learning Outcomes 

Knowledge and understanding


The student must be able to recognize and understand the differences between different thermodynamic phenomena, to describe the transformations of a thermodynamic system and to identify the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer, in order to resolve simple engineering problems inherent to the principles of operation of thermal machines, analysis of thermodynamic cycles, heat exchange mechanisms and related applications.

Applying knowledge and understanding

At the end of the course, the student will have to demonstrate to have acquired the qualitative and quantitative assessment tools in order to identify and use the procedures and calculation methods to be applied for the resolution of simple problems of thermodynamic analysis of energy systems, heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation as well as knowing how to deal with basic engineering problems, developing critical skills necessary for the resolution of similar cases.

Course Content - Syllabus



BASIC CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS: Introduction to the course. International measurement system. Practice on significant figures and dimensional analysis. System and environment. Properties, state and equation of state. Pure substance, phase, compressible simple system. Classical and continuous thermodynamics, local equilibrium. Quasi-static process and transformation. Energy, heat, work, temperature.

THERMODYNAMICS OF STATES: Introduction. Entropy and Gibbs equations. Enthalpy. Specific heats. Thermodynamics of states. Characteristic surface. Thermodynamic plans: pressure-entropy, pressure-specific volume, temperature-entropy, enthalpy-entropy, pressure-entropy. Models: Incompressible liquid, saturated steam, superheated steam, ideal gas. Exercises. Diagrams p, h for the R134a. Mollier diagram. Water and R134a saturation tables. Applications and exercises.

BALANCE EQUATIONS FOR MASS; ENERGY AND ENTROPY: Balance equation of an extensive property. Mass balance for a closed and an open system. Mass and volume flow. Stationary regime. One-dimensional flow. Energy balance: general information. Energy balance for an open system. Energy balance for a closed system. Entropy balance for an open system. Entropy balance for a closed system. Clausius inequality and equality. Direction of transformations and energy quality.

CONSEQUENCES OF THE FIRST AND SECOND LAW: Closed systems: volume variation work. Open systems: mechanical energy equations. Representation of reversible work and heat in the thermodynamic diagrams p, v and T, s. Equations of internally reversible adiabatic. Bernoulli equation. Representation of reversible work in the thermodynamic plane p, v. Applications and exercises: balance sheets for closed systems. Thermal irreversibility. Problems related to energy conversion. Thermal engine, thermodynamic efficiency, second law of thermodynamics. Carnot engine, direct Carnot cycle. Inverse Carnot cycle, inverse Carnot engine. Refrigerator and heat pump. First and second law coefficient of performance. Exercise on the thermodynamics of states and the balances of mass, energy and entropy for closed and open systems.

COMPONENTS OF OPEN SYSTEMS AND THERMODYNAMIC CYCLES: Introduction. Open systems: components of thermodynamic systems. Steam turbines and gas turbines. Pumps. Compressors. Mixture and surface heat exchangers. Conducts. Lamination valve. Applications and exercises.


Introduction to heat transfer. Stationary regime. One-dimensional heat flow. Ohm's law. Combined mechanisms of heat transfer.

RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER: Introduction. Electromagnetic waves. Parameters that characterize the radiation. Opaque bodies, gas and black body. Fundamental laws of the black body. Real surfaces. Band gray and gray bodies. Greenhouse effect. Radiative heat exchange between a surface and the environment. View factors. Radiative heat exchange in cavities: black surfaces, gray surfaces. Special cases. Exercise on irradiation. Radiative screens.

THERMAL CONDUCTION: Introduction. Fourier's law. Flat plate without generation. Heat resistance. Thermal conductivity. Temperature profile. Walls composed of several materials (series and parallel). Thermal transmittance. Cylinder without generation. Temperature profile. Multilayer cylinders. Critical isolation radius. Differential equation of heat conduction. Limit conditions.

THERMAL CONVECTION: Introduction. Natural and forced convection. Thermal and velocity limit layer. Laminar and turbulent regime. Newton's law. Dimensionless numbers and experimental correlations for natural and forced convection. Exercises on combined mechanisms.



Teacher’s notes (available online)


  • Cesarano A., Mazzei P. - Elementi di termodinamica applicata - Liguori, Napoli 1989
  • Mastrullo R., Mazzei P., Vanoli R. - Termodinamica per ingegneri - Applicazioni - Liguori, Napoli 1996

Teaching Methods

The teaching activity includes theoretical lectures, for about 65% of the total hours, and numerical exercises for about 35% of the total hours.

Examination/Evaluation Criteria

Exam type

For integrated courses, there should be one exam. Exam type: written and oral. Questions of the written exam refer to numerical exercises.

Evaluation pattern

The grade is formulated based on the outcome of the written tests and the adequacy of the answers provided by the student during the oral exam. For the final evaluation of the student, the written test and the interview have an equal weight.

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