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Opportunità in Ferrari per laureandi magistrali.

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Electronic Automation Engineer Internship (Maranello)

Ferrari has a most desirable track record, in Racing as well as in Sports Cars production, record business results and voted one of the “World’s most powerful brands”. Above all Ferrari is an
international team working with the highest level of professionalism and dedication, based on performance, meritocracy and continuous development, with innovation at the heart of our future.
In this exciting role, you will support automation procedures in the automotive industry, aiming to reduce test time and improve reliability in the Smart Integration Bench Area within the Vehicle
Experimentation Department. You will develop automated test procedures for a low-voltage integration bench, verifying the functionality of all vehicle ECUs for software approval. Additionally,
you will define strategies to detect early-stage bugs by analyzing real-time network communication (CAN, CAN-FD, LIN, Automotive Ethernet) across the entire electronic backbone. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to develop new hardware tools to improve CAN logging, simulate messages, optimize space, and integrate cloud connectivity for both static and on-vehicle testing.

Required profile
You will ideally be recent graduate or Master student (eligible for internship) or in your final year in Electronic, Informatic or Automation Engineering. You will not only have a passion for  automotive and innovative solutions, but also already gained first work-experience through internships or projects that allow you to understand the business complexities and help you to develop your personal and communicative skills.
In Ferrari you must exhibit the capability to think analytically, target-oriented and structured. You need to demonstrate strong communication skills (such as the ability to listen as well as in-depth
reasoning). You will be expected to work independently as well as integrate as part of a team. We require attention to the detail and awareness of the responsibility that comes with your role. You are motivated to adapt to and learn from the company culture. It goes without saying that you relish a challenge.
The effective completion of your daily tasks requires you to be a proficient user of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Outlook).
Fluent English is required.
Please, send us your application at the following link:

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer

Location: Maranello, Italy
Seniority: Internship
Ferrari offers: Monthly allowance and daily complimentary access to company restaurant.

C.R.E.A.T.E. Consortium (CREATE) seeks 2 full-time Research Assistants (RAs) to work respectively on:

RA1 — Soft Robots Modelling and Control
RA2 — Image Elaboration in AI for Robot Navigation

CREATE is a non-profit research organisation possessing a legal personality. According to the Italian law, it belongs to the class of Consorzi, where a number of subjects give life to an independent body intended to reach commonly agreed objectives. CREATE was founded in late 1992 with the aim of establishing a stable link between industry and university.
The current partnership of the consortium includes Ansaldo Nucleare SpA, University of Basilicata, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, University of Naples Federico II, University of Naples Parthenope, and University of Trieste.

Over the years, CREATE has gained vast experience from participation and coordination of more than twenty FP7 and H2020 European projects in the field or robotics and automation.

Since 20 years a collaboration is active between CREATE and PRISMA Lab (Projects of Industrial and Service Robotics Mechatronics and Automation) in DIETI (Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology) at University of Naples Federico II.
The PRISMA team is committed since 35 years to pursuing research in robotics and automation, and is internationally recognized in the community for their achievements on industrial and service robotics.

The RAs will work with the Medical Robotics Team of the PRISMA group within the project “EndoTheranostics — Multi-sensor Eversion Robot Towards Intelligent Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapy”. The EndoTheranostics project is one of 37 projects selected for funding from 395 proposals in the ERC Synergy Grant 2022 call, the only one to be funded on robotics.

Project description

EndoTheranostics is a multidisciplinary research project that will revolutionise the theranostics of colorectal cancer (CRC), impacting the quality of life of millions of individuals.

CRC represents a significant proportion of malignant diseases. Interventions are often carried out during the latter stages of development, leading to low patient survival rates and poor quality of life. In 2022 a European Commission report stated that “colonoscopy-based screening has higher sensitivity than testing for blood in stool, but it is less acceptable to participants”. At the same time, effective methods to treat polyps in the colon are limited. Current approaches are often associated with unsafe oncological margins and high complication rates, requiring life-changing surgery.

EndoTheranostics will usher in a new era for screening colonoscopy, advancing the frontiers of medical imaging and robotics. A tip-growing or eversion robot with a sleeve-like structure will be created to extend deep into hollow spaces while perceiving the environment through multimodal imaging and sensing. It will also act as a conduit to transfer miniaturised instruments to the remote site within the colon for diagnosis and therapy (theranostics). With these capabilities, the system will be able to offer:
• painless colon cleansing in preparation for endoscopy
• real-time polyp detection and tissue characterisation through AI-assisted multimodal imaging
• effective removal of polyps by conveying a “miniature mobile operating chamber” equipped with microsurgical tools to the target through the lumen of the eversion robot

EndoTheranostics has the ambition to advance the state-of-the-art in robotics recalling basic research to address a problem so ambitious that it cannnot be dealt with by one team alone. A group of four Principal Investigators (PIs) will work together and bring different skills and resources to tackle ambitious research problems.

The candidate will work in Naples under the supervision of Professor Bruno Siciliano, PI for CREATE and Coordinator of PRISMA Lab, and will take advantage of collaborative partnerships with:
• Professor Alberto Arezzo, Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Torino
• Professor Kaspar Althoefer, School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London
• Professor Sébastien Ourselin, School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King’s College London

Project duration: 6 years (July 2024 — June 2030)

Duration of the contract: 2 years, potentially renewable up to the end of the project

Working place: Medical Lab at ICAROS Center & B2R Lab of PRISMA Team

Salary: From 38.000 € up gross per year depending on candidate’s expertise; such amount is higher than Italian fixed-term assistant professors' salary — the project will cover expenses for the research activities related to the offered position (conferences, equipment, etc)

Application deadline: 20 April 2025  Please email your application to <Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.> with your CV, a motivation letter and at least the names of two references Please include in cc Prof. Bruno Siciliano <Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.> and Prof. Fanny Ficuciello <Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.>.

Selected candidates will be contacted in due course for online interviews.

For the employment, the candidates are required to possess an Italian Fiscal Code. In addition, non-UE residents are required to possess a valid residence permit (“permesso di soggiorno”) for working purposes.

Required skills for RA1

  • PhD degree in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics, robotics, or related fields ― Applications from PhD candidates will be accepted, provided that the degree will be earned within six months from the deadline of the call
  • Knowledge and expertise in dynamics and kinematics modeling and simulation of deformable objects, with particular focus on soft eversion robots
  • Extensive expertise in haptics and physical human‒robot interaction with a focus on soft robot design and hands-on experience with fabrication techniques
  • Teammate spirit and good communication skills, both verbal and written, essential for explaining technical concepts to non-technical team members and presenting findings to clients or stakeholders
  • Problem solving and creativity skills, as crucial for robotics projects mostly involving complex, multi-disciplinary problems and analytical thinking

The candidate will conduct research on control of the soft eversion robot, requiring a physical model of robot and its interaction with the environment. The robot behaviour will be simulated using the framework SOFA, replicating a colonoscopy process using an eversion robot for studying and analyzing the motions of the robot through the colon.

Required skills for RA2

  • PhD degree in computer engineering, computer science, robotics, or related fields ― Applications from PhD candidates will be accepted, provided that the degree will be earned within six months from the deadline of the call
  • Solid knowledge of AI and machine learning for medical imaging
  • Expertise on computer vision and machine learning for the development of supervised and unsupervised algorithms and deep learning frameworks (PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, Deep Reinforcement learning) for deformable 3D reconstruction of endoluminal anatomy
  • Knowledge and experience in vision-based predictive control, SLAM methods for endoluminal capsule navigation
  • Strong programming skills in Python, C++ and/or Matlab; experience with robotics-specific libraries such as ROS (Robot Operating System) also appreciated
  • Teammate spirit and good communication skills, both verbal and written, essential for explaining technical concepts to non-technical team members and presenting findings to clients or stakeholders
  • Problem solving and creativity skills, as crucial for robotics projects mostly involving complex, multi-disciplinary problems and analytical thinking

The candidate will be asked to solve control problems related to the vision-based navigation of the eversion robot, as well as the navigation and stabilization of the operating chamber. Furthermore, to generate effective control actions during suturing and dissection, the candidate will enhance perception and extract information from the images to detect tools and track the deformation of the environment. Intelligent and multimodal sensing, including wide-field multispectral imaging, photoacoustic endomicroscopy and all-optical ultrasound imaging will be adopted for in-vivo in-situ detection and characterization of tissue properties.

Living in Naples

Naples is the third-largest city in Italy and is the capital of the Campania region. World-known for its rich history, art, culture, architecture, music, and gastronomy, Naples is a lively, exciting, and bustling city situated on the southwest coast in a gorgeous gulf, and it is surrounded by attractive tourist and archaeological sites such as Capri, Ischia, Amalfi Coast, Pompei, Ercolano, Mount Vesuvius.

The cost of living in Naples is medium-low compared to other Italian and north European cities; see the useful tool to check the local costs of some goods.

Healthcare is provided to all residents (including people with residence permit) by a mixed public-private system. Individuals can access public treatments either for free or by paying a ticket depending on the medical procedures. Several drugs are at low cost. Private healthcare services are also available upon payment of doctor fees.

In general, the cost of renting an apartment ranges from 500 € to 600 € per month (single person), or from 600 € to 900 € per month (family), depending on the number of rooms and the chosen neighborhood.

 Life at Federico II University 

Progettista Software Automazione Industriale (PLC - SCADA)

📍 Location: Villaricca, Napoli (residenza in Campania richiesta)
🏢 Azienda: Comesvil S.p.A.

Chi Siamo

Comesvil S.p.A. è un'azienda italiana con oltre mezzo secolo di esperienza nei sistemi di automazione, riconosciuta tra le principali aziende mondiali nell'industria ferroviaria e delle telecomunicazioni.

In ambito ferroviario, i principali settori di competenza sono:

  • Sistemi di segnalamento ferroviario: Progettazione e realizzazione completa di sistemi di sicurezza e segnalamento ferroviario, inclusi ACE e ACEI.
  • Installazione di sistemi avanzati: Implementazione di sistemi ACC ed ERTMS, nonché sistemi di segnalamento ATC e CBTC per operazioni driverless.
  • Sistemi di telecomunicazione ferroviaria: Progettazione e sviluppo di soluzioni di rete chiavi in mano per i settori civile, industriale e ferroviario, comprese reti DCS e sistemi Wi-Fi punto-punto/punto-multipunto.

La Posizione

Si ricerca un Progettista Software Automazione Industriale motivato e qualificato, da inserire nel team di sviluppo. La figura selezionata sarà coinvolta nello sviluppo di soluzioni software personalizzate e nell’assistenza tecnica per progetti complessi, collaborando con clienti italiani ed esteri.


  • Progettare e sviluppare software PLC e HMI sulla base di specifiche tecniche fornite.
  • Coordinare l’engineering management delle commesse assegnate.
  • Supportare la fase di avviamento e messa in servizio presso i clienti.


Formazione scolastica:

Laurea in Ingegneria dell'Automazione, Elettronica, Informatica o altre discipline tecniche affini.

Esperienza e competenze necessarie:

  • Almeno 2 anni di esperienza nella programmazione PLC.
  • Almeno 2 anni di esperienza nella progettazione di sistemi SCADA.
  • Capacità di leggere schemi elettrici tecnici.
  • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese (scritta e parlata).

Competenze tecniche specifiche:

Si richiede la conoscenza di almeno un ambiente di programmazione PLC, almeno un ambiente di sviluppo SCADA e almeno un protocollo di comunicazione, tra quelli di seguito elencati:

  • Ambienti PLC: Schneider Electric Unity Pro (Control Expert), SoMachine (Machine Expert), Beckhoff TwinCat.
  • Ambienti SCADA: Copa-Data Zenon, Schneider Electric Power Operator, Power Scada Expert, Citect.
  • Protocolli di comunicazione: Modbus RTU/TCP, IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-104, SNMP, OPC UA.

Requisiti preferenziali:

È gradita la conoscenza di hardware specifico Schneider Electric della seguente tipologia:

  • Hardware Schneider Electric: M340, M580, M221/M241/M251, Smartlink, IFE/IFM, Sepam/Easergy, Multimetri PM.

Sono requisiti preferenziali la conoscenza di linguaggi di programmazione in ambiente desktop ed embedded.


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È stato un evento molto emozionante e coinvolgente!

Vedere ragazzi anche di 10 anni, ospiti educati ed entusiasti, nella sede storica di Piazzale Tecchio, impegnati a presentare i loro progetti scientifici, i mockup colorati illustrativi delle loro idee, i loro prototipi robotizzati realizzati con i Lego, pieni di sensori e attuatori, e comandati con linguaggi a blocchi, e a competere con allegria e spirito di squadra nell’esecuzione di missioni robot game divertenti, ma profondamente educative, è stato un inno alla scienza, all’automazione e alla robotica…

Ringrazio sinceramente il Professor Siciliano per la sua partecipazione autorevole ed entusiasta all’evento e gli splendidi rappresentanti del nostro gruppo, che hanno seguito i ragazzi prima della challenge con eventi formativi e durante la competizione come giudici ed arbitri.

Tale evento è stato pionieristico di un nuovo tipo di orientamento alle STEM e, di riflesso, alle discipline della SPSB.

Ecco i preziosi elementi di novità.

  • Si coinvolgono ragazzi anche molto più giovani rispetto agli studenti dell’ultimo anno delle scuole secondarie di II grado.
  • I docenti della SPSB tengono seminari interattivi in presenza su temi scientifici ancillari a quello della competizione.
  • I ragazzi vengono stimolati a proporre un’idea scientifica e tecnologica che possa fornire un contributo fattibile su una tematica scientifica di grande impatto sociale, ambientale e tecnologico.
  • Mediante un lavoro creativo, e allo stesso tempo rigoroso, i ragazzi sviluppano l’idea proposta e forniscono una sua realizzazione prototipale facendo esperienze dirette di problem solving, progettazione e programmazione.
  • I partecipanti alla competizione esemplificano il funzionamento e l’utilità di tali prototipi mediante delle applicazioni concrete – missioni robot game.
  • Durante la challenge si fornisce un breve orientamento agli studi di Architettura, Ingegneria, Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali.

Insomma, i ragazzi, i loro docenti e le loro famiglie toccano con mano le potenzialità delle STEM ed i luoghi fisici e culturali in cui poterle coltivare al meglio!

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