CFU: 6
Basic knowledge of system dynamics and classical control techniques. Use of Matlab/Simulink for the numerical simulation of dynamical systems.
Preliminary Courses
Learning Goals
The first objective of the course is to provide students with a methodological knowledge for the analysis of the dynamic response of a fixed-wing aircraft. The course provides the basic elements of flight mechanics and dynamics. The second part deals with the design of algorithms for stability augmentation, control augmentation, and autopilots. Control problems are presented with application examples and solved with the use of both classical and modern control techniques.
Expected Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge to understand the performance and dynamic characteristics of a fixed-wing aircraft, to read the specifications of a flight control system and understand what are the most suitable techniques to meet them.
Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will be able to evaluate the performance of a fixed-wing aircraft, design a control algorithm falling into the class of SAS; CAS or Autopilots. Control problems are addressed with reference to application examples and through the use of both classical and modern control techniques. Students will also be able to design an optimal state estimator and to simulate the dynamics of both open-loop and closed-loop aircraft dynamics in the Matlab/Simulink environment.
Course Content - Syllabus
- Introduction to modern fixed wing aircraft with particular reference to maneuverability and control
- Standard atmosphere model
- Level flight
- Descent and climb
- Load factor and maneuver diagram
- Turn and flare
- Take-off and Landing
- Longitudinal and lateral-directional static stability
- General equations of aircraft motion
- Linearized models and typical longitudinal and lateral-directional modes
- Flying qualities and their classification
- Stability Augmentation Systems
- Control Augmentation Systems
- Autopilots
- Application of optimal control techniques to flight control problems
- Applications of pole placement and eigenstructure assignement to flight control
- State estimation and Kalman filtering application to flight control problems
- H-infinity control applications to flight control problems
- Simulation of the closed-loop dynamics of a fixed wing aircraft
Notes and slides provided by the teacher.
Stevens, B.L., and F.L. Lewis, Aircraft Control and Simulation, Wiley.
Roskam,J., Airplane Flight Dynamics, Roskam Aviation
Pamadi, B.N., Performance, Stability, Dynamics and Control of Airplanes, AIAA Education Series
Teaching Method
The teaching activities will be organized as follows: a) lectures for 80% of the total hours, b) classroom exercises involving the use of MATLAB/SIMULINK ( for about 20% of the total hours.
Examination/Evaluation criteria
Exam type
The exam consists of two parts:
- 2 or 3 oral questions on flight mechanics and/or flight dynamics;
- discussion of a control design project developed in Matlab/Simulink. During the discussion of the exercise questions may arise on flight control algorithms and their implementation.
Evaluation pattern
The evaluation is a weighted combination of the evaluations obtained for the oral exam and the discussion of the control design project.