Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x

Modelling and Field Dynamics

CFU: 9



Preliminary Courses


Learning Goals 

With main reference to electromagnetism and to the dynamics of the continuum that describes possible material means, the course aims to provide the physical-mathematical foundations necessary for the understanding of the properties of fields as models for the macroscopic description of electromagnetic phenomena, of material means and of their interaction.

Expected Learning Outcomes 

Knowledge and understanding

The student must show that he/she has acquired the fundamental methodological tools of field theory. He/she will also have to demonstrate knowledge of the main numerical techniques for the solution of simple differential equations of the first and second order, discussing their accuracy and stability.

Applying knowledge and understanding

The student will have to show that he/she is able to apply the knowledge acquired to the setting of simple problems and their numerical resolution, referring to algorithmic schemes related to the simplest geometries and to the approaches useful for accelerating the calculation.

Course Content - Syllabus 

Review of algebra and tensor analysis. Microscopic and macroscopic description of a physical system. The concept of field in the description of continuous systems and the concept of force [1 CFU].

The Electromagnetic Field. Conservation of electric charge. Charge and current density. Maxwell's equations. The Lorentz Force. Maxwell's equations in material means: constitutive equations and their properties. Maxwell's equations in the frequency and phasor domain. The Electromagnetic Field and the concept of energy: Poynting's theorems. Setting up an electromagnetic problem. Applications [2 CFU].

Introduction to Continuous Mechanics. Budget laws. The constitutive equations of materials. Setting up a continuum mechanics problem. Applications [2 CFU].

A physical system model whose description requires the joint use of the physical-mathematical laws of electromagnetism and continuum dynamics [1 CFU].

Numerical solution of a field dynamics problem: the FEM, FDTD and MoM approaches. Algorithmic acceleration of numerical computation. Acceleration of numerical computing based on the use of platforms for High Performance Computing. GPU Computing [3 CFU].


See website of the regular teacher.

Teaching Method

Lectures and exercises sessions in classroom and laboratory.

Examination/Evaluation criteria

Exam type

Only oral exam.


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