CFU: 9
Foundations of linear dynamical systems and closed-loop liner control; elements of linear algebra and differential calculus.
Preliminary Courses
Learning Goals
The aim of the course is to introduce the foundations of the analysis and control of nonlinear systems in the context of their most representative applications. Also, concepts will be introduced on the analysis and control of complex multiagent systems.
Expected Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
The course aims at providing students with the methodological tools for the analysis of the dynamics of nonlinear systems and the synthesis of nonlinear control strategies. The fundamental concepts will be introduced to develop such strategies and analyse their performance, robustness and stability. The student will have to show their ability to develop the design of a control law for this class of systems and validate its effectiveness numerically or via experimental prototypes.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The student will need to show his/her understanding of the application of advanced methods for the analysis and control of a nonlinear system of interest via all the required stages from the open-loop analysis to the numerical validation. He/She will need to show their ability to develop nonlinear control strategies for representative applications of interest designing its specifics, analysing its performance, stability and robustness and providing its numerical implementation.
Course Content - Syllabus
- Nonlinear Systems: fundamental concepts and introduction;
- Lyapunov based control strategies;
- stability and passivity of input-output systems;
- Synthesis of Nonlinear controllers: perspectives and methodologies;
- Geometric Control and Feedback Linearization;
- Hybrid and switched control;
- Intelligent and Adaptive Control;
- Introduction to the control of Networked and Network systems.
Lecture notes;
Li, Slotine, "Applied Nonlinear Control", Prentice Hall, 1991
Khalil, "Nonlinear Systems", Prentice Hall 2002
Strogatz, "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos", Perseus publishing, 1994
Teaching Method
Teacher will use: a) lectures for approx. 70 % of total hours; b) example classes for approx. .30 % of total hours or CFU.
Examination/Evaluation criteria
Exam type
The exam consists in the discussion of a project carried out by the students on an application system of their choice and is aimed at assessing the ability of the student of analysing a nonlinear system and designing a nonlinear control strategy such as those presented during the course. The exam consists in the discussion of a project report that is handed in by the student together with the topics introduced during the course.