Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x

Advanced Robotics (Mod. Field and Service Robotics)

CFU: 6


Knowledge on the foundations of robotics.

Preliminary Courses

Foundations of Robotics

Nonlinear Dynamics and Control

Learning Goals 

The course aims to provide students with:

  • Skills for controlling the interaction between robots and poorly structured environments, through force control, visual control, manipulation and cooperation.
  • The tools for modeling, planning and control of self-driving mobile robots (with wheels, drones, legged, underwater).

Expected Learning Outcomes 

Knowledge and understanding

The course path aims to provide students with the essential methodological tools for modeling, planning and control of autonomous mobile robot systems. The fundamental problems concerning robots with locomotion mechanisms in open spaces, structured and not, are dealt with. The analytical methods acquired by the students are then used to understand the peculiarities in the design of planning techniques and control laws for such robots.

Applying knowledge and understanding

The student must demonstrate that (s)he is able to apply the methodologies acquired to model, plan and control autonomous-drive robots with different locomotion mechanisms, such as land rovers, drones (in particular quadcopters), underwater robots, quadrupedal and bipedal robots.

Course Content - Syllabus 

  • Field and service robotics
  • Wheeled robots
  • Kinematics and dynamics
  • Planning
  • Motion control
  • Odometric localization
  • Motion planning
  • Probabilistic planning
  • Planning through the method of artificial potentials
  • Aerial robotics
  • Drone kinematics
  • Dynamics of a quadcopter
  • Hierarchical control and geometric control
  • Passive control with external disturbance estimator
  • Underwater robotics
  • Kinematics and dynamics
  • Mixed controller
  • Legged robots
  • Kinematics of the floating base
  • Dynamics and centroidal dynamics
  • Stability and criteria
  • Whole-body control
  • Planner
  • Momentum-based estimator


Teaching Method

The teacher will use: a) lectures for about 70% of the total hours, b) seminars for about 20% of the total hours; c) classroom examples through the use of analysis and simulation tools in Matlab / Simulink® for about 10% of the total hours

Examination/Evaluation criteria

Exam type

Only oral exam. The interview consists in ascertaining the acquisition of the concepts and contents introduced during the lessons. The oral interview of the Field and Service Robotics module also includes the discussion of a design project assigned by the teacher during the first month of the course.

Evaluation pattern 

The final grade will be weighted on the credits of each module and therefore composed as follows:

  • Module: Robot Interaction Control, 6 CFU, 50%
  • Module: Field and Service Robotics, 6 CFU, 50%